Our stories are your stories
Current and previous projects
National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation
We have worked extensively with the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) on several strategic priorities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health in Australia, including:
Supporting the development of several national strategies for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, including strategies for:
Ear and hearing health
Maternal and child health
Cardiovascular disease, chronic renal disease, and diabetes
Acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease
Preparing papers to support decision making on a range of priorities including mental health and social and emotional wellbeing, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workforce, palliative care and chemotherapy, and ear and hearing health data.
Aboriginal Health & Medical Research Council of NSW
We worked with the Aboriginal Health & Medical Research Council (AH&MRC) of NSW, their Member services, and key stakeholders to co-design an Emergency Activation Framework that Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs) and their communities can use in times of health emergencies and natural disasters. This included a template emergency management plan for the ACCHO sector.
We delivered workshops to ACCHO executives on emergency management, based on this Framework.
Queensland Mental Health Commission
On behalf of the Queensland Mental Health Commission, we worked with stakeholders to review Queensland’s surveillance systems for suicide, suicide attempts, and crisis events. We recommended a range of enhancements for surveillance in Queensland, drawing on extensive consultation and our technical expertise in public health surveillance systems.
The Continence Foundation of Australia
The Continence Foundation of Australia is the national peak body for incontinence prevention, management, education, awareness, information, and advocacy. We worked with the Foundation to evaluate a national program called My Continence Care, which is a training program for residential aged care staff to guide a best practice, dignified, person-centred approach to continence care in aged care facilities that goes beyond toileting and continence aids.
The University of Sydney
We worked with the University of Sydney to review and update the Opioid Treatment Accreditation Course (OTAC) which accredits clinicians in NSW to become an opioid pharmacotherapy prescriber. We also reviewed and updated the associated Fundamentals Training pre-requisite course for the OTAC and the OTAC examination.
Safety and quality projects
We have worked with growing private practices to establish clinical governance frameworks, and revise safety and quality processes, protocols, and guidelines.
CLAN (Caring and Living as Neighbours)
We are working with our not-for-profit partner CLAN (Caring and Living as Neighbours) to improve access to appropriate screening and clinical management of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia in a number of partner countries. This work has included conducting a literature review on best clinical practice, developing educational material for clinicians and patients and their families, and advising on the Newborn Bloodspot Screening program in Indonesia.
St John Ambulance PNG
We worked with St John Ambulance Papua New Guinea to support public health staff on the ground to build a patient-centred, sustainable, and comprehensive primary healthcare service in Port Moresby, and on a range of local health promotion projects.
Aboriginal Medical Service Redfern
The Aboriginal Medical Service Redfern (AMS Redfern) was the first Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service in Australia. Since 1971, AMS Redfern has grown significantly and now provides comprehensive primary healthcare services to thousands of clients. We worked with AMS Redfern to conduct a health needs assessment in order to support AMS Redfern’s decision-making around potentially expanding their services to meeting growing demand.